

The chemical industry | The challenge | The solution

We received a question about wastewater from one of our customers in the chemical industry. At first, the wastewater originating from their production process was not suitable for their own or external WWTP (wastewater treatment plant). Analysis and thorough investigation helped to find the source of the interfering substance. We used a different raw material to ensure the interfering substance disappeared from the wastewater. This new material has no negative effect on the production process and the costs (total cost of ownership). As a result, this stream can now go to their own or an external WWTP instead of incineration. This essential advantage ensures continuity.

This example provides insight into a Horizon 1 trajectory.

The food industry | The Challenge| The solution

One of our customers comes from the food industry.

This food producer has its residual products collected for fermentation by a nearby fermentation installation. For years, this has been running according to their wishes. Our research and the optimization of processes related to the disposal of these residual products provided them with an alternative route. This method of disposal was also financially more interesting. Another advantage is that new base chemicals are produced. These can be used in other production processes. This project is an example of one of our Horizon 2 projects. For more information, please visit www.chaincraft.nl (Chaincraft).

The water treatment plant | The challenge | The solution

Our customer has a large water treatment plant critical to its business processes. An external source (feedstock) seriously disrupts the biology of this water treatment, which unfortunately jeopardizes process continuity. For this project, we stayed in close contact with the customer. We also worked very closely with CIMS/CIWS and other partners. We looked for temporary alternatives and came up with the perfect construction. A joint effort of all parties guaranteed the required capacity for this customer. They have no downtime in their (production) plant and no loss of focus on their principal process. Moreover, it means a significant reduction in external costs due to the total solution offered by Horizon 3 SRM and our partners. This customer is an example of a Horizon 1 trajectory.

The start-up that wants to build a factory | The challenge | The solution

A start-up customer, part of a larger consortium, is considering building a new factory that can process residual fractions of various waste materials. They have state-of-the-art technology, a lot of operational knowledge, and trading capabilities for a finished product that is also ready to produce. Horizon 3 SRM facilitates the feedstock, whereby we make good use of our many years of knowledge and expertise for sourcing the necessary raw materials from the waste market. The customer gets the high quality they are looking for, also at the right conditions at the right time. They can utilize this and start up the factory and production.

This is an example of a company we guided throughout the entire chain and process. So a typical Horizon 1-3 case.

Solutions and results

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