– Einstein
the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.
– Chief Seattle
Sustainable Resource Management

One earth One ambition One reality
There is only one earth, and we want to preserve it for our generation, our children, and all generations after that. We can already do a lot about that today. Waste treatment solutions and services that focus on the present and the future contribute significantly to that objective.
Horizon 3 SRM delivers truly result-oriented and pragmatic solutions that focus on and safeguard the environment of people, animals, and the planet. Circular is not for the future. Circular is now. Horizon 3 regulates all issues concerning waste processing, environmental issues, energy transition, and CO2 challenges; with a hands-on and can-do approach. With this, we create and offer concrete results and, sometimes disruptive, solutions for our customers.

Putting the circular economy into practice starts with separating and recycling waste flows.
De wereld verandert snel en de wereld van afvalverwerking is daar ook aan onderhevig. Bedrijven zoeken meer en meer naar duurzame oplossingen en betrouwbare partners om hen daarbij te assisteren en ontzorgen. Daarnaast verandert regelgeving continu. Hoe weet je als bedrijf waar je goed aan doet? Horizon 3 SRM weet alles van afvalstromen, (maatwerk) oplossingen, verwerking, sourcing van grondstoffen en circulariteit.
Thanks to our extensive network and smart solutions, we can switch at all levels and arrange the waste process for all our customers in the most climate-neutral way possible from A to Z. We operate hands-on, practical, and future-proof. We are happy to help you tackle waste questions and your challenges to be energy neutral.

What do we stand for?

CO2 – supply and demand
Solutions and results
Horizon 3 thinks in solutions and implements creative ideas in waste processing. We operate from opportunities and possibilities, making our knowledge, expertise, and extensive network available to help our customers achieve their sustainability ambitions and challenges.

What we do, from cost item to revenue - from waste to value
Why our services?
About sustainability and circularity

We aim for a clean earth. Challenge us with your waste issue and we will look for solutions with you; circular and responsible. We make connections between various parties and build bridges between different industries, whether it concerns waste processing or the energy transition. In this way, we enable new solutions, recycle materials and contribute to a cleaner environment and a CO2-neutral print.

Our partners
Our partners have many years of experience with all possible forms of waste processing, from chemistry to food, from textiles to ink, from iron to oil, and more.
Creative, circular solutions are central to our partners, all following the latest legislation. In this way, they help their customers on their way to a super clean and climate-neutral future.

Horizon 3
PARTNERS The value is in the ENTIRE chain
Together with our partners, we make our living and business world circular. Co-creation and cooperation throughout the chain is our specialty. We do not only pay attention to the waste chain itself, but we strive for maximum innovation and apply new technologies. We ensure the commercial application of a product if this is relevant and possible in the chain.
We do not lose sight of the fact that drastically reducing CO2 and devising competitive long-term solutions contribute to the success of our customers. In doing so, we not only comply with all laws, regulations, and other requirements, but we also add value in other areas.
Our team consists of professionals with many years of experience and expertise in the field of waste processing in various sectors. For all our colleagues, results are paramount. We approach your waste challenges with a positive outlook. We do not shy away from a trajectory or challenge. That way, we can make the world a bit greener and better.